Thursday, 13 March 2014

Willow's Wonderful Weather Poems!

Today Willow class sang some weather poems and thought about how they made us feel and how they described what the weather was like.

We went on to make some great Acrostic Weather poems in our groups - have a look!
This is Phoebe's writing -

Raindrop drip light and cold
Animals hide
inside we play
No park today!

This is Katie's writing -
Softly falling from the sky
Noses are freezing cold
Owls are sitting in the trees
Wish it would snow some more

This is Joel's writing -

Sweet sun shining in the sky
Up high in the clouds
Now there's no rain, Yipee!

We think they are fantastic poems! Well done Willow!

1 comment:

  1. lovely writing Phoebe,Joel and katie.
    from katies mum :)
