Tuesday 3 September 2013

Welcome Willow Class 2013-14

Welcome to all of the new children who completed their first day at 'Big School' today!
You were fantastic at listening and following instructions. We had to give soooooo many 'Dojo points' out.
Who do you think will have the most points and be our 'Star of the Week' on Friday???

Today you should have received a letter about WellieWedneday and your childs own Homework pack, which also has a letter inside regards what all the items are in the bag. 

We have a trial Wellie Wednesday session as a whole class tomorrow.

Looking forward to another fun packed day with you Willow class :-)

From Miss Quinn x


  1. Evelyn told me she had been building campfires at school - wellie Wednesdays sound fab!

  2. Hi Katie loves the zippety do da song the class sings at the end of the school day!! Helen(katies mum)!

  3. Thanks Miss Quinn. James is really enjoying his homework pack and was excited to show me his new book yesterday. I had to google "dojo points" :-)

    Andrea Richardson

  4. Keep working hard Willow!
